Saturday, August 1, 2009

Karen Rohlf, new Ansur Distributor in FL

Ovation, my 6 yr old Holsteiner/Paint
... started and ridden exclusively in the Ansur
... the only saddle he likes!
photo by

Ansur welcomes Karen Rohlf as our representative for the Ocala, Forida area.

Karen has trained over 20 years in dressage with Anne Gribbons ('O' dressage judge, International Grand Prix trainer and competitor) and studied Parelli Natural Horsemanship (‘old’ Level 3 Graduate) directly with Pat and Linda Parelli.

Not only has Karen trained students to upper level dressage, but she has represented the US four times on the Young Rider team, passed the "L" judging program with distinction and has been accepted into the USDF "r" judging program.

Karen gives clinics worldwide and when not traveling, trains and teaches at her Temenos Fields facility in Ocala.

Karen is the author of a book, DVD and a video series:

Dressage, Naturally: A guide to the basics of dressage from a natural perspective.

Results in Harmony Video Series

So all you native Floridians and visitors to Florida, give Karen a call and get a demo ride in an Ansur Saddle! Karen will also be representing Ansur's sister company, Northwestern Saddlery*, which produces the Westernaire for those who love western saddles and want treeless comfort for their horses and themselves.

Dressage, Naturally: Creating healthy biomechanics and stronger partnerships through combining principles of natural horsemanship with the art of dressage.

Karen's website is:

* Ansur and Northwestern Saddleries are in the same building under the watchful eye of CEO, Carole Weidner. Carole's office has a window looking into the shop in which the saddles are made for both companies.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, welcome! I hope to meet you sometime - I'm very interested in your work and I'm sure my horse and I would benefit from your approach. And riding in the Ansur is a natural fit.
